Victor Gansac
Safetech Innovations wants to expand in Saudi Arabia

Safetech Innovations wants to expand in Saudi Arabia

ANDREI IACOMIEnglish Section / 17 noiembrie 2023

The shareholders of the cyber security solution developer Safetech Innovations (SAFE) are summoned, on December 21, to approve the establishment of a company in Saudi Arabia, according to a company report published yesterday on the website of the...

Safetech's founders sold 10% of the company

Safetech's founders sold 10% of the company

Andrei Iacomi English Section / 11 septembrie 2023

Victor Gânsac and Paul Rusu, the two founders of the cyber security solution developer Safetech Innovations (SAFE) sold, on September 6, 10.3% of the company, according to reports from the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) on Friday.

Safetech Innovations se extinde în Marea Britanie

Safetech Innovations se extinde în Marea Britanie

ANDREI IACOMIPiaţa de Capital / 9 februarie 2022

Comapania de securitate cibernetică Safetech Innovations (SAFE) a înfiinţat o filială în Marea Britanie, la Londra, denumită Safetech Innovations Global Services Limited, în care deţine două treimi din capital, a anunţat ieri emitentul printr-un...

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