BURSA newspaper announces the release of the book "The Kingdom of God on Earth", by MAKE

English Section / 29 mai

BURSA newspaper announces the release of the book "The Kingdom of God on Earth", by MAKE

Versiunea în limba română

Why I wrote the book "The Kingdom of God on Earth"


I sign "MAKE" and I am known by this cognomen in the financial-banking world, as the founder of the newspaper BURSA, specialized in the capital market, which I have been observing for 34 years.

We have published, in BURSA, thousands of articles dedicated to this segment, and some personalities from the stock exchange life say that the voice of the newspaper, to a certain extent, shapes it.

The fact that, at the age of 73, I finished writing a book of biblical exegesis with the title "The Kingdom of God on Earth" may surprise the readers of BURSA, but, in fact, it is the coherent result of some researches that have started twenty years ago and were accelerated by the impetus given by the financial-banking crisis triggered in 2007-2008.

- In 2016, I published the book "The solution to the crisis", which concludes that we are at the end of the road in the evolutionary branch that human society took in Shakespeare's century and that the solution to the crisis consists in the revelation of the desirable society, with which to we replace the one we live in;

- In 2017, we published the book "The interest rate", in which we highlighted the economic model we rely on and why it no longer works;

- In 2024, I published the book "The Kingdom of God on Earth", which is a conclusion from the premises of the first two books, because it proposes a model of the desirable society, thus fulfilling the objective for which they were all written.

I don't think I will write a fourth book, because I have exhausted the subject that interested me.

BURSA newspaper invites you today, May 29, to the launch event of the book "Kingdom of God on Earth" by MAKE.

The event will take place during the Bookfest festival, starting at 19:00, on the ARCA stage, in the Romexpo premises, Pavilion B2.

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