Climate: Greece "simmering"

English Section / 14 iunie

Climate: Greece "simmering"

Versiunea în limba română

Greece, a Mediterranean country accustomed to heatwaves, has been dealing with intense heat for several days, and a "thermal peak" was reached in the middle of this week. Temperatures exceeded the threshold of 40 degrees Celsius in many regions of the country, according to the meteorological services. The Ministry for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection warned of a "very high" fire risk, especially in the Attica region, where the Greek capital is located. In several regions, schools will also remain closed, including in Athens, while the Ministry of Labor has recommended telecommuting for public sector employees. The Acropolis in Athens, the most visited site in Greece, was closed on Wednesday, during the hottest part of the day, due to the heatwave affecting the country, the Greek Ministry of Culture announced. This site, included in the UNESCO world heritage and visited by a large number of tourists, could be targeted by this measure in the coming days as well. The Acropolis in Athens, at the top of which the Parthenon temple is located, has already been forced to close to visitors in July 2023 during a two-week heatwave episode, unprecedented in its duration. Greece was affected by devastating fires that destroyed approximately 175,000 hectares in the summer of 2023. Last year, the Acropolis in Athens recorded a record number of visitors of almost 4 million, representing an increase of over 31% compared to the previous year. The number of visitors is constantly increasing, especially thanks to tourists on board cruise ships that call at Piraeus, the large port near the Greek capital.

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