Criminal cases for multiple voting, false identity and breaking seals

English Section / 2 decembrie 2024

Criminal cases for multiple voting, false identity and breaking seals

Versiunea în limba română

Electoral incidents were not absent from this election, despite the measures taken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which mobilized 45,500 police officers, gendarmes, firefighters, border guards and workers from other structures nationwide, of which 20,800 ensured the protection of polling stations, according to press releases issued yesterday by the public institution. Although the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ensured the protection measures of the over 18,960 polling stations, established at the national level, yesterday, 277 cases of violations of the law were received in the context of the parliamentary elections. 116 reports were not confirmed, and 22 were under verification last night. Four of the reports were sent for resolution to the Central Electoral Office and five to the County Electoral Offices.

The police have drawn up 67 criminal files regarding electoral offenses and have applied 104 minor offense sanctions: 67 warnings and 37 fines worth over 100,000 lei.

Thus, in Mehedinţi County, law enforcement officers found that a young woman appeared to have voted both at a polling station in the county and at a station in France. From the checks carried out by the police, it was established that the young woman had appeared at the station in France where she would have exercised her right to vote. Following the investigation, it was found that at the polling station in Mehedinţi County, three women with various capacities within the polling station commission, voted without having this right and signed on the electoral lists, and subsequently inserted the ballot papers into the ballot boxes, in the name of the young woman and her mother, without the two of them being present at the polling station. The individuals concerned are being criminally investigated for vote fraud.

Attempted vote fraud, outrage and destruction

Following a call to 112, the police in Motru, Gorj County, were notified by the president of a polling station that a voter had been handed 3 ballot papers for the election of Senate members. Following the investigation, the incident was confirmed. By the time the operative team arrived, the 3 ballot papers had been canceled. A criminal case was filed.

A citizen went to a polling station in Focşani municipality, Vrancea county, to vote, but after leaving the voting booth, he asked for other ballots, claiming that he had voted incorrectly. The members of the electoral bureau refused to give him other ballots, so the citizen tore up the ones he had voted on. The police have filed a criminal case against him for destruction.

The police in Slobozia municipality, Ialomiţa county, were notified that a person from Cocora commune tried to vote at a polling station, although he had voted at another station, for which he was charged with attempted vote fraud. A man from Dolj county was also charged with the same crime, who, although he had voted on the additional list, allegedly tried to vote once more on the permanent list at another polling station.

Another incident was recorded in the town of Siliştea, in Călarăşi County, where the police officer accompanying the team traveling with the mobile ballot box noticed that a person had been handed three ballot papers. In this case, a criminal case was filed for voting fraud and negligence in duty. A person showed up at a polling station in Cluj County under the pretext of wanting to offer members of the electoral bureau chocolate. He was removed from the premises by a MIA employee, at which point he began to act violently and make serious threats. A criminal case was filed for outrage.

A citizen from the Ion Ghica locality in Ialomiţa County, who was intoxicated, tried to open the door of the polling station by pulling on the 3 seals, but was stopped and immobilized by a MIA employee. He is now being investigated for breaking seals.

Police officers in the town of Darabani in Botoşani reported ex officio that a woman, president of a polling station, was admitted to the body of electoral experts based on a statement in which she claimed that she was not a member of any political party, but it was found that, in fact, she is a local councilor from a political party. A criminal case was filed for false statements and use of forgery. Police officers in Galaţi Municipality filed a criminal case for voting fraud, after a man received one ballot for the Senate and two for the Chamber of Deputies, but instead of reporting the mistake, voted on all 3 ballots.

In yesterday's elections, 495 young people who turned 18 on the day of the parliamentary elections had the right to vote for the first time. The Ministry of Interior also announced that on Saturday and Sunday, in order to exercise the right to vote, the personal registration services issued almost 15,000 identity cards and around 560 provisional identity cards.

Diana Şoşoacă, criminal case for promoting the Legionary Movement

The European deputy Diana Iovanovici-Şoşoacă, head of the SOS party and candidate for the Senate, was yesterday charged with a criminal case after participating in the Snagov commune, in Ilfov county, at an event commemorating Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, the leader of the Legionary Movement. The SOS head accompanied by several people went, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, to the cross dedicated to Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, in Tâncăbeşti to commemorate the legionary leader, and the event was broadcast live on Diana Şoşoacă's Facebook page.

"It is my right to consider whoever I want a patriot," says Diana Şoşoacă in the Facebook video.

The Ilfov IPJ announced yesterday that it has opened a criminal case in this case.

"The Ilfov IPJ police are conducting investigations, within the framework of a criminal case, drawn up in terms of the commission of the crime provided for by OUG 31/2002, regarding the prohibition of organizations, symbols and acts of a fascist, legionary, racist or xenophobic nature and the promotion of the cult of persons guilty of committing crimes of genocide against humanity and war crimes, art. 5, namely "The act of a person promoting, in public, the cult of persons guilty of committing crimes of genocide against humanity and war crimes, as well as the act of promoting, in public, fascist, legionary, racist or xenophobic ideas, conceptions or doctrines, within the meaning of art. 2 letter a), is punishable by imprisonment from 3 months to 3 years and the prohibition of certain rights"," announced the representatives of the Ilfov IPJ.

Diana Şoşoacă later stated on her Facebook page that by opening this criminal case, her arrest is being sought and she continued to violate the law, defying the electoral provisions that prohibit the conduct of the electoral campaign after 7 pm on Saturday, November 30. In a live broadcast that lasted several hours on Facebook, Diana Şoşoacă asked her followers several times yesterday, December 1, the day of the parliamentary elections, to come out to vote in large numbers, that she needs them and to vote SOS. The MEP even stated that she did not care that she would be accused of violating electoral legislation, even though we were in the middle of voting day.

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