New Age is a fundamentally different religion from Christianity, although it sometimes borrows Christian symbols and terms. The main differences include:
• 1. View of divinity
- New Age: God is often perceived as a universal energy or impersonal force, present throughout the universe (pantheism or panentheism).
- Christianity: God is personal, transcendent and distinct from creation, being the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit (Holy Trinity).
• 2. The Nature of Jesus Christ
- New Age: Jesus is seen as an enlightened master or an example of higher consciousness, similar to other spiritual leaders (e.g. Buddha).
- Christianity: Jesus is the Son of God, the only Savior of humanity, who died and rose again for the forgiveness of sins.
• 3. Salvation
- New Age: Salvation is viewed as a process of self-transformation, spiritual awakening, or realization of the inner divinity.
- Christianity: Salvation comes exclusively through the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, and through repentance.
• 4. Sources of Knowledge
- New Age: It is based on personal experiences, intuition, channeling (communication with spiritual entities), and various esoteric practices.
- Christianity: It is based on divine revelation, transmitted through the Bible and Church Tradition.
• 5. Practices
- New Age: Includes meditation, crystal use, astrology, energy channeling, and other occult practices.
- Christianity: Includes prayer, the Holy Mass, the sacraments, and the reading of Scripture.
• Conclusion
Although New Age may use Christian language and symbols, its view of the divinity, salvation, and nature of Jesus is radically different, making it incompatible with traditional Christian theolog.