The educational fair "Your Vocation!", support for students and parents

English Section / 18 iunie

Photo source: facebook / Nicusor Dan

Photo source: facebook / Nicusor Dan

Versiunea în limba română

Choosing a high school or vocational school is a difficult task, in which all data must be taken into account. The mayor of the capital, Nicusor Dan, announced that a new edition of the educational fair "Your Vocation!" has begun. The mayor announced that the project has an interactive map with high school education units distributed by sector, where you can view presentation videos and useful information (admission rates, tuition fees, curricular and extracurricular activities, awards, scholarships, titles obtained, etc. .) about Bucharest high schools and vocational schools. He pointed out that the information and guidelines within the fair can be accessed by any student, their parents, but also by the general public interested in participating and visiting the fair virtually. Nicusor Dan added that, through this project, Bucharest City Hall, through the Center for Educational and Sports Projects Bucharest - PROEDUS, supports students and parents who must take into account a number of factors when choosing a high school or vocational school. Through this initiative, run by Bucharest City Hall, through PROEDUS, under the coordination of the Culture, Education, Tourism Directorate, students will form a general image of themselves and what is around them, in order to make realistic choices in accordance with their abilities, skills and personal possibilities, thus being supported in the process of stimulating motivation, adopting an appropriate behavior that will help them establish their right place in society. The program offers personalized counseling and vocational guidance services, as well as innovative educational activities. Through this program, students will be supported in identifying personal abilities, aptitudes and possibilities, for choosing a suitable career. The educational activities offered within the program are addressed not only to students, but also to their families. Understanding students' behavioral changes and supporting them in making important decisions in their lives are essential aspects that we will address in the activities dedicated to students' family members.

Among the benefits offered to students are: personalized counseling and vocational guidance services, adapted to the needs of each student, personalized file for each student; identification of skills and competences through the questionnaires and tests included in the kit offered to each student; innovative activities, such as Living Libraries, psycho-pedagogical speed interviews and practical "fast track to career" interactions; special events with national and international speakers, who will share their experience in various fields of activity; visits to economic operators and a fair of trades and educational offers, to give students a real perspective on the diversity of professional options available.

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