UBB puts up for competition 27,880 places - bachelor's, master's, doctorate

English Section / 28 iunie 2024

Photo source: facebook / Babeş-Bolyai University

Photo source: facebook / Babeş-Bolyai University

Versiunea în limba română

College admissions season has begun. Babeş-Bolyai University (UBB) is offering 27,880 places for the summer admission, for the academic year 2024-2025, at the bachelor's, master's, doctoral level, as well as distance and part-time education, the university announces.

The Rector of UBB Cluj-Napoca, Daniel David stated: "If I were a high school graduate with a Baccalaureate and I wanted to study in Romania, I would choose Babeş-Bolyai University (...) UBB has always been among the first universities, but, for several years, it has been the first university in the country in terms of its size, its ancient history and its position in international rankings. However you look at the metarankings, since 2016, we are the first university in the country. I would also say that, if we leave Romania and look at the European level, UBB has an extensive campus. We have our campus in UBB, but through the EUTOPIA alliance we have a campus in Gottenburg, in Sweden, we have a campus in Dresden, in Germany, we have a campus in Paris, in France and we have campuses in Great Britain, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Slovenia". "The novelty of this year's admission is given by the new specializations, both at the bachelor's and master's level, in fields considered priority for Romania", the educational institution also transmitted. According to her, the new specializations, at the bachelor's level, are within the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - UBB Cluj-Napoca - Information Engineering, 4 years, with teaching in English and Hungarian, respectively Artificial Intelligence, 3 years, with teaching in English. The fourth new specialization is Public Health Services and Policies, 3 years, taught in Romanian, within FSPAC - Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences.

At the master's level, the new specializations are at: UBB Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Letters - East Asian studies and research - with teaching in Romanian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese; FSEGA, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca - Health Economics, in English, a first in Romania and Data-based Management, in Hungarian; UBB Faculty of History and Philosophy - Global security and human rights policies, in English

Also, according to UBB, at the doctoral level, there will be two admission sessions and both budgeted and scholarship places are available for the scientific doctorate, as well as places without a scholarship or with a fee, for the professional doctorate.

