EURO 2024: Coach Iordănescu, appeal to supporters

English Section / 14 iunie

Photo source: facebook / Edi Iordănescu

Photo source: facebook / Edi Iordănescu

Versiunea în limba română

The national team entered the fever of the debut match at the final tournament of the European Championship. Before the start of the tournament, the coach Edward Iordănescu sent a message to the supporters stating that the national team needs fans precisely when things are not going well. The selector's message is clear: "We need you, Romanian supporters, in as large a number as possible and as energetic as possible. There were many sad moments for the national team in the last 8 years. I am ready to present my regrets to you for all these years if necessary. But let's not forget that the current team, these boys, this special generation has put and is putting into the fight all that is best. In front of her heart. And let's not forget that we are at the EURO from first place in the qualifications and undefeated. So, these guys really deserve support and trust. We have a football celebration ahead of us for which we are ready to give everything and take back as much as possible!! For us and for you!! But I'm asking you for something! Let's not forget that the team needs you more than ever just when things are not going well. When it seems that we are at the end of our powers, we need you to intervene knowing that a simple cry for Romania gives us immense power. To continue the fight and turn it in our favor. We always need you, hardly more than ever. The national team + Romanian supporters = one heart".

The defender Nicuşor Bancu declared for his part that it is a dream come true to be able to play with the national team at Euro-2024: "It is a dream come true. I'm glad that I managed to recover from the injury and be here. We have to be a family, just like in the preliminaries, and help each other. With the first injury I was thinking if I could walk again, then the second one came, I was thinking that I won't be in the same shape as before. But I had a good team by my side, good doctors, but it was also my will to return to the national team and the club team". Nicusor Bancu suffered two serious injuries during his career, in 2014 and in 2022

Asked what gift the players want to give to the selector Edward Iordănescu, who turns 46 on Sunday, Bancu answered: "He will certainly want us to get out of the group, that is the objective. It's a dream for everyone and we have to make a good figure. We are going with Ukraine to win, then we will see how the game turns out. I prepare 100% in every training, I know that they are players with speed, techniques. I will give one hundred percent and surely, together with my colleagues, we will play a good game. We must double, triple, be a compact team. We have to defend very well, then we will certainly have chances to attack and manage to score. I have never met thousands of supporters in training in my entire career, as I had here in Wurzburg. I hope to make them proud by what we will show in the match against Ukraine, to make them happy as much as possible".

Romania debuts at Euro-2024, Monday, June 17, with Ukraine, in Munich, from 16:00.

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