"Library from the bus", a gift for travelers

English Section / 24 aprilie

"Library from the bus", a gift for travelers

Versiunea în limba română

Culture takes to the streets more and more often to meet the public, and more recently, it also goes by bus. Travelers using public transport in Târgu Mureş will be able to access the "Bus Library", which will operate on several routes in the city, during National Library Week. According to the Mureş County Library: "Between April 22-26, we celebrate the National Library Week at Târgu Mureş! During this celebration, we will explore together the wonderful world of culture, books, stories for all ages, through various activities, through challenges and interactive experiences, which will connect - once again - the Library and the Community. The program includes activities for the entire community: "Library on the bus", starting on April 23, 2024, together with citizens who use public transport, will travelers and some books offered by the Mureş County Library, from book donations received from readers. Thus, on some local routes - including the recently inaugurated -, travelers will have the surprise of finding a box of books to choose his favorite book, browse it during the journey or even take it home". As part of the event, a book fair will be organized at the Teleki-Bolyai Library in Târgu Mureş, as part of the larger project called "The free shelf under the gate", intended for those who want to exchange books. "Any book placed on the shelf can be taken home, they have already been offered over the past year by loyal readers," the library stated. Also, for those who love surprises and read in English, American Corner is preparing a series of books that readers will discover only after they receive them, and in the evening a board games club will be organized for children and adults, at the Periodical Section, in the Park Complex. For today, the "Cinema at the Library" event is announced, at the Children's Library and the Periodicals Section, from 6:00 p.m., an evening of films for the little ones as well as for parents and children, carefully chosen from among the short films offered by Short Film Breaks, Romania EduCab.

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