Marcel Boloş, agrees with the postponement of e-TVA until January 1, 2025

George Marinescu
English Section / 27 iunie 2024

Photo source: facebook / Marcel Bolos

Photo source: facebook / Marcel Bolos

Versiunea în limba română

The deadlines set out in GEO 70/2024 regarding the implementation of the e-VAT mechanism could be postponed tomorrow by the Government until January 1, 2025, stated yesterday Marcel Boloş, the Minister of Finance, faced in recent days with the revolt of the business environment against the new obligations imposed on entrepreneurs.

Marcel Boloş, the Minister of Finance, told Economedia, quoted by G4Media: "We are willing to postpone the deadline for data transmission by another 6 months. Adapting to the reform is more difficult. We are not talking about postponing the entry into force, but about extending the deadlines for VAT difference notes and supporting notes by 6 months, until January 1, 2025. It is a period in which we analyze the differences between our fiscal record situation and the situation that the taxpayer has and we clarify where these differences arise. But we will not abandon the mechanism, it is absolutely necessary".

He also said that tomorrow is the last meeting in which the government can issue an emergency ordinance regarding the extension of the deadlines for VAT difference notes and supporting notes.

Marcel Boloş's statement comes after several professional associations of accountants, consultants, but also large business organizations complained about the lack of transparency of the way the new legislation was adopted, but also because it would introduce a burdensome bureaucracy for companies. It is about GEO 70/2024, approved on June 21, without prior public consultation, a normative act introducing the pre-filled VAT return from August 1, 2024.

Companies will receive from ANAF this statement pre-filled with data and information contained in the IT systems of the Ministry of Finance. They must check the pre-filled data and information and determine whether they are consistent with the taxable operations carried out and the tax situation. Subsequently, companies will be required to submit this document every month, by the 25th of the month, through the Virtual Private Space. The purpose of this measure is to combat fraud by preventing situations of erroneous account completion.

The owners of micro, small and medium-sized companies, members of the National Council of SMEs (CNIPMMR), requested the Government to postpone the obligations regarding eTVA.

In a press release, CNIPMMR draws attention that "in the adopted form, the ordinance will block the activity of entrepreneurs, without achieving its goal of reducing tax evasion, making it difficult for companies to operate, leading to an increase in the costs of updating software and labor or with outsourced accounting services".

GEO 70/2024 was also criticized by CECAR and OFA-UGIR, accounting experts and entrepreneurs claiming that the new normative act will block their activity.

We mention that Marcel Boloş declared that the new measure was introduced in the interest of the Romanian state, as the main tool to reduce the VAT GAP, which currently amounts to 35 billion lei uncollected annually.
