Projects supported by the ministry, on the Day of National Culture

English Section / 10 ianuarie

The Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan (photo source: facebook)

The Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan (photo source: facebook)

Versiunea în limba română

Major celebrations, including cultural ones, entail corresponding expenses. The Ministry of Culture has published the list of cultural projects dedicated to National Culture Day for the year 2024 that have received non-reimbursable funding after resolving objections. The maximum value of financial support per project granted by the Ministry of Culture is 50,000 lei. The funded projects are as follows: O2G Association with the project "C-nul Alege" - 50,000 lei. EURO CULTURART Association with the project "Gala Tinerilor Scriitori, ed. a XIV-a" - 50,000 lei. National Museum of Romanian Literature with the project "Zilele Culturii Naţionale la MNLR - 2024" - 50,000 lei. Municipal Theater "Matei Vişniec," Suceava, with the project "Spectacolul cuvintelor - Îmbrăţişarea poeziei cu teatrul" - 50,000 lei. ARTA în dialog Association with the project "Reprezentări ale istoriei recente în filmul românesc" - 50,000 lei. Bigger Picture Association for Digital Education with the project "Români de poveste" - 50,000 lei. PostModernism Museum Association with the project "Naraţiuni literare, vizuale şi muzicale ale naţiunii" - 50,000 lei. Păun C. Ioana PFA with the project "80 subversiv" - 50,000 lei. The Institute Foundation/Institutul with the project "Diploma Podcast" - 50,000 lei.Kitarodia Cultural Association with the project "Cântarea omeniei: Zilele emoţiei naţionale" - 49,000 lei.After the resolution of objections, 16 projects were rejected. In total, 37 projects were submitted. Among those that did not receive funding are the Union of Visual Artists from Romania with the project "Sculptura@Academiei, avanpost. Luna Brâncuşi 2024," the State Philharmonic Sibiu with the project "Ziua Culturii Naţionale la Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu," the Arts dell Anima Association with the project "10 pentru Poezie," the Writers' Union of Romania with the project "ZOOM - Literatura tinerilor," and the "Nichita Stănescu" Cultural Center with the project "Ziua Culturii Naţionale 2024 în Mehedinţi." Importantly, not all projects were rejected.

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