The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (UAIC) announced that at its 15 faculties, candidates have 231 study programs available, of which 98 are bachelor's and 133 are master's. According to the institution, this year's offer for admission to UAIC includes nine new specializations, of which two are bachelor's and seven are master's: Sports Management - Faculty of Physical Education and Sports (bachelor's studies); Mathematics Computer Science, taught in English - Faculty of Mathematics (bachelor's studies); Regional Development and Management of European Programs - Faculty of Law (master's studies); Geopolitics and Strategic Studies - Faculty of Law (master's studies); Well-being, resilience and social risks - Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences (master's studies); Strategic communication in the digital environment - Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences (master's studies); High Energy Physics, taught in English - Faculty of Physics (master's studies); Innovation, Interoperability and Digital Transformation, taught in English - Faculty of Informatics (master's studies); Rhetoric of journalistic, advertising, electoral, scientific and literary discourse - Faculty of Letters (master's studies).
The press release also mentions that from the 2025-2026 academic year, two dual education specializations will be introduced in the offer of undergraduate studies at the Focşani extension of UAIC (Economics of trade, tourism and services - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Technological Physics - Faculty of Physics).
Another change compared to last year is the introduction, at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, of the Early Childhood Education and Primary Education Pedagogy study programs, which replace the Primary and Preschool Education Pedagogy specialization, as a result of the Minister of Education Orders 7841/2024 and 7872/2024. According to UAIC: ""Eight of the 15 faculties of UAIC will organize admission for undergraduate studies exclusively based on the general average from the baccalaureate exam. At three faculties (Law, Informatics and Orthodox Theology) written tests will be taken, the weight of which varies between 40 and 50% of the admission average, and three faculties (Geography and Geology, Informatics, Mathematics) will also take into account the grade from various tests within the baccalaureate exam. Depending on the chosen faculty, candidates will also take qualifying aptitude tests (Psychology and Educational Sciences, Orthodox Theology) or sports tests (Physical Education and Sports)''. The same source mentions that admission to master's studies will be made, at most UAIC faculties, based on an average in which the bachelor's exam will count in proportions between 20% and 80%, and the grade when presenting the CV and/or letter of intent or the interview will have a weight between 20% and 60%.
Three faculties (Law, Informatics and Letters) also take into account the average of the years of bachelor's studies, which has a weight between 40% and 50% in the admission average. ""Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' University of Iaşi offers 32 specializations in foreign languages, 7 at bachelor's studies and 25 at master's studies. Ethnic Romanians can also study at the UAIC extensions in Bălţi and Chişinău, where six bachelor's and four master's degree programs are available. Candidates for the 2025 admission also have 13 study programs available at the UAIC branches in Focşani, Botoşani and Piatra Neamţ. At the Focşani branch, the study offer includes nine specializations (five at bachelor's and four at master's degrees), while the branches in Botoşani and Piatra Neamţ offer two specializations at bachelor's degrees each. The 2025 admission to the UAIC also comes with a novelty in terms of the registration period, as there will be different periods for registering for bachelor's degrees (July 7-12, 2025) and master's degrees (July 14-19, 2025). The selection and display of results will take place between July 13 and 31, 2025 for bachelor's studies and between July 21 and 31, 2025 for master's studies. The places left unfilled after the July admission session will be put out to competition between September 5 and 8, 2025. Starting with March 31, candidates will be able to pre-register online, thus having the opportunity to formulate options regarding the study programs to which they would like to be admitted and to upload supporting documents regarding personal data, completed studies, results obtained.