Analysis, domestic media market, adjustments and repositioning

English Section / 18 iunie

Last year, the Print market experienced a downward trend, of minus 11% compared to 2022, to five million euros, and gathered less than 1% of the media market share.

Last year, the Print market experienced a downward trend, of minus 11% compared to 2022, to five million euros, and gathered less than 1% of the media market share.

Versiunea în limba română

The domestic media market is growing, but not all actors in it have reason to be happy. There are adjustments and audiences are migrating to other platforms. The media market in Romania has reached an estimated net value of 701 million euros in 2023, an increase of 6.5% compared to the previous year, reveals a specialized analysis. Estimates for the current year, made by the Media Fact Book, show that the local media market will continue to grow, up to 762 million euros, with a significant increase for TV (+10%) and OOH (+10%), as well as with a moderate increase for Digital (+7%) and Radio (+7%). In contrast, the Print segment will decrease by 10%. According to the quoted source, in 2023, digital continued its growth (+8% vs. 2022) and reached the value of 252 million euros, equivalent to 36% of the total media market. Also, TV audiences saw a more moderate decline and closed the previous year down 4% compared to 2022, a decline offset by strong performances in the last quarter, which balanced out a weaker start to the year. The net value of the TV market remained constant at 368 million euros (52% of the total media market). According to the analysis: "News channels increased their penetration, especially in the mature demographic with medium and high social status. They brought to the fore global events, such as the developments of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, and the anticipated preparations of the political parties for the 2024 elections, while television remained the center of attraction with major sporting events, talent shows and popular series.With a strong start to 2024, the TV market is poised to surpass the previous year's performance with world-class events such as the Championship European Football Championship and the Olympic Games in Paris, which promise to propel audiences to record levels, anticipating a 10% increase in net revenues, up to 405 million euros". As for the OOH market (Out of Home advertising), it continued to consolidate, registering a 12% increase, with revenues of 41 million euros, which represents 6% of the total media market in Romania. Projections for 2024 suggest a continuation of the upward trend. Thus, a 10% increase is anticipated, up to an estimated total of 45.6 million euros. At the same time, in the last year, radio stations attracted the audience with varied programs of music, entertainment and topical issues, such as sustainability and education, which determined a 10% jump in the radio advertising market, from one year to the next , up to an estimated total net worth of 35 million euros. In this segment, Media Fact Book predicts a market increase of 7%, to approximately 37.5 million euros.

Last year, the Print market experienced a downward trend, of minus 11% compared to 2022, to five million euros, and gathered less than 1% of the media market share. In 2024, it is estimated that the negative trend will continue, with a minus 10%, compared to 2023, and a total market value of 4.5 million euros. In 2023, the Retail category continued to dominate the media market, contributing 25% of the estimated total media market, which consolidated its leadership position started in 2021. It was followed by the Healthcare and Food & Beverages categories, which they also had significant contributions, representing 17% and 12% respectively of the market.

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