ICR "attacks" the Beijing International Book Fair with 200 volumes

English Section / 19 iunie

ICR "attacks" the Beijing International Book Fair with 200 volumes

Versiunea în limba română

Local presence at the world's great book fairs has become a habit that deserves to be welcomed every time. Romania is present at the Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF 2024), the most important profile event on the Asian continent. Over 200 volumes, promotional materials for Romanian literature, as well as events dedicated to all categories of the public will animate Romania's stand (E1.A20), organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute through the National Book Center and ICR Beijing, at the XXX -th edition of the fair, held between June 19-23 at the China National Convention Center. Conceived in the spirit of the slogan "Romania - stories unfolding", participation in this far-reaching event is an invitation to the discovery of a valuable literary creation, an essential component of Romanian culture. During the five days, all those interested are expected to foray into the multiple universes of the books of Romanian writers. Liviu Sebastian Jicman, the president of ICR, stated: "The number of titles and publishing houses, the daily events, the thematic diversity (with examples from all literary and academic areas), as well as the contacts and contracts with the Chinese side support our belief that we can do more, more well and more diversified on the various markets of the world, in this case on the Asian area, extremely rich and offering. I hope that, at the end of the Fair, we will say that we once again did our duty as emissaries of Romanian culture". The series of volumes available this year at the national stand illustrates the diversity of the Romanian book market and the desire of local publishing houses to make their activity known in China. Publishers, literary agents, translators and all specialists in the book industry on the Asian continent, as well as all categories of readers, will find here magazines, albums and volumes of various genres, thus having the opportunity to inform themselves about the latest publishing appearances and the most important trends in Romanian written culture. The exhibition at the stand includes both fiction volumes and works from the vast sphere of non-fiction - art, history, economy - as well as the latest editions in Chinese of some Romanian books. Works published by Cartier, Corint, Crime Scene Press, ICR Publishing, Romanian Academy Publishing, Humanitas, Ideea Europeană, Integral and Limes are exhibited and can be consulted. The program at Romania's stand includes book launches and presentations, literary debates, round tables and autograph sessions. During the entire duration of the fair, there will be events aimed at contributing to the promotion of Romanian culture, especially Romanian literature translated into Chinese, but also working meetings at the stand of major domestic publishing houses - Enciclopedia Publishing House from Beijing, Liaoning Editorial Group and Shandong Education Press .

With over 2,500 exhibitors from many countries and regions of the world, half of them from Europe, the Beijing International Book Fair is, in scope, one of the most important profile events in the world.

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