Nicuşor Dan leads the race for the Capital City Hall

English Section / 4 iunie

Photo source: facebook / Nicusor Dan

Photo source: facebook / Nicusor Dan

Versiunea în limba română

The results of the latest opinion polls show that the majority of voters in the municipality of Bucharest prefer to vote for the renewal of the mandate of the current mayor of the capital, Nicuşor Dan, on June 9. According to both the survey conducted by IRSOP between May 27-31, and the survey conducted by Avangarde between May 29 and June 2, Nicuşor Dan is ahead of the PSD and PUSL candidates, Gabriela Firea and Cristian Popescu Piedone.

If in the IRSOP survey, Nicuşor Dan has 43% of voters' options, followed by Cristian Popescu Piedone (23%), Gabriela Firea (18%), and Sebastian Burduja (4%), in the Avangarde survey the current general mayor of the Capital leads the top with 28 .6% of voting intentions, followed by Gabriela Firea with 26.5% and Cristian Popescu Piedone with 15.2%.

From the respective survey, we note that, while 12% of the respondents who vote pro PSD-PNL give their vote to Nicuşor Dan, of those who vote with the United Right Alliance (USR-PMP-Forţa Dreptei) only 1% will vote for him Gabriela Firea.

According to the IRSOP survey, ask which party or alliance they intend to vote for on June 9, 32% of Bucharesters said they would vote for the PSD-PNL alliance, 26% for the USR-PMP-FD alliance, 9% for PUSL, while the rest of the parties would not passes the electoral threshold of 5%. Regarding the direction in which they think the Capital is heading, 56% of the respondents said that it is in a good direction, while 41% say that it is a wrong one.

Among the problems that the future mayor of Captala should solve urgently are the decongestion of traffic (mentioned by 40% of the respondents), the cheapening of the cost of living (30%), heating (17%) and the development of green spaces/parks (13% ). As for future expectations - a multiple-choice question, 94% of respondents said inflation would continue to rise, while 51% said military tensions between Europe and Russia would increase.

The IRSOP survey was conducted by telephone on a sample of 900 people between May 27-31. The sampling tolerance is 3.3%.

As for the Avangarde survey, it was carried out at the PSD's command, between May 29 and June 2, on a sample of 1,150 subjects, representative of the adult population (18+) of the Municipality of Bucharest. The survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews at the subjects' homes, and the maximum sampling error, at a 95% confidence level, is +/- 2.8%.

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