Top ten electoral priorities for Trump and Harris

Top ten electoral priorities for Trump and Harris

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 5 noiembrie 2024

The 2024 US presidential election is defined by two diametrically opposed visions, represented by Republican candidate Donald Trump and incumbent vice president, Democrat Kamala Harris. Each proposes contrasting solutions to the challenges facing...

Air-Sea Schengen - a glimmer of hope for free movement

Air-Sea Schengen - a glimmer of hope for free movement

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 1 aprilie 2024

We finally have, since yesterday, the air and maritime Schengen which, from the superior position of full member of the area of free movement of goods and persons, Austria granted us at the last meeting of the Council of Justice and Internal...

The Battle for the Soul of America

Andre CapponEnglish Section / 26 octombrie 2020

The upcoming US Presidential election is truly a "battle for the soul of America" - a confrontation of Right and Left. The winner will shape the direction of the United States for a long time.

BREXIT: Adios muchachos!

BREXIT: Adios muchachos!

Adelina Toader, Vlad Dobrea (Translated by Cosmin Ghiodveanu)English Section / 31 ianuarie 2020

A historic moment for the European Union, which starting with February 1st, will lose an important member of its community! After 47 years in the European Union and three years of negotiations and disagreements which turned into a political...

2020 - a special strategic thinking effort

2020 - a special strategic thinking effort

Theodor Stolojan (TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEANU)English Section / 8 ianuarie 2020


The year 2020 will be marked by three events with a major impact on Romania's development: The European Union will adopt the new 2021-2027 financial perspective and we expect our country to be allocated a volume of European funds at least as...

Norway, a possible victim of its own wealth

Norway, a possible victim of its own wealth

Alexandru Sârbu (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 aprilie 2013

Revenues from the oil industry, similar to those made by the countries in the Middle East, as well as the generous state welfare model are slowly but surely affecting the Norwegian economy, threatening the biggest success story in Western Europe,...

It's easier to get in the EU than into Schengen

It's easier to get in the EU than into Schengen

OCTAVIAN DAN (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 martie 2013

The accession of our country to Schengen creates problems on a European and dilemmas on a national level. Can we or can we not live without Schengen? This is the main question which the current politicians, whether they are in the government or...

America votes! So what?

America votes! So what?

Cornel Codiţă (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 7 noiembrie 2012

It may seem disrespectful, or just an attempt to sound catchy, intended to draw the readers' attention. But none of those would be true. According to the most valid analyses of the experts, these presidential elections are the most...

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