Project: Internationalization of the higher education system

English Section / 13 iunie

Project: Internationalization of the higher education system

Versiunea în limba română

The Ministry of Education has submitted for consultation a draft Government decision for the approval of the strategic framework regarding the internationalization of the higher education system. According to the ministry: "The strategic framework regarding the internationalization of the higher education system, provided for in the Law on Higher Education, represents the main instrument for supporting internationalization, in order to increase the quality of education and research, indicating the priorities in the field, in accordance with national ones, with international processes and the treaties to which Romania is a party". According to the quoted source, the strategic framework also takes into account a series of results of internationalization, such as: improving the quality of education and research, the transfer of knowledge and innovation, increasing the competitiveness of higher education institutions by attracting students and academic staff from all over the world, socioeconomic development and cultural of the country. "An essential component of the internationalization of the higher education system is academic mobility. In this sense, with the support of the Ministry of Education, higher education institutions must adopt measures to stimulate mobility for learning", says the quoted source. Among the priorities of the Ministry of Education and subordinate/coordinating institutions, with a view to implementing the strategic framework regarding the internationalization of the higher education system in Romania, are: stimulating mobility for learning (for Romanian students), improving support services for mobility (students/university staff , Romanians or from abroad), supporting the initiative of European universities for cooperation, decentralizing the admission process for citizens from third EU countries, increasing the visibility of higher education institutions in Romania in the international environment. Other priorities refer to the digitization/simplification of the recognition and equivalence of diplomas and the granting of visas, the incorporation of virtual exchange and online collaborative international learning, the improvement of collaboration with the Romanian academic diaspora, the promotion of study and research programs (development and implementation ) oriented towards sustainable development and green transition.

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