The Minister of Culture praises the close collaboration with Moldova

English Section / 17 iunie

Sergiu Prodan, Minister of Culture from the Republic of Moldova and Raluca Turcan (photo source: facebook/Raluca Turcan)

Sergiu Prodan, Minister of Culture from the Republic of Moldova and Raluca Turcan (photo source: facebook/Raluca Turcan)

Versiunea în limba română

The collaboration in the cultural field between Romania and the Republic of Moldova is getting closer every year, says the Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan. Minister Raluca Turcan had, last week, a meeting with his Moldovan counterpart, Sergiu Prodan, with whom he discussed important projects for the two countries. According to Raluca Turcan: "Collaboration in the cultural field between Romania and the Republic of Moldova is getting closer from year to year. (...) We reviewed the protection and promotion of the common cultural heritage, including nomination initiatives for the UNESCO World Heritage List. At the same time, we are committed to continue and develop new projects and initiatives, such as the Bookfest International Book Fair, organized in the two capitals, the Reunion of National Theaters, which will take place in September in Chisinau, events that capitalize on common cultural traditions the renewal of the collaboration protocol between the two ministries was also on the agenda of today's discussion". According to the minister, Romania continues to offer expertise and support to the Republic of Moldova in the cultural field, from heritage to contemporary arts: "This collaboration is an important step towards a common European cultural future, demonstrating our firm commitment to support and develop culture on both sides of the Prut. It is important to use all the opportunities to bring the desired future closer. Cultural diplomacy is also part of the tools at our disposal, being an extraordinarily effective soft power. There is no better advocate than Romania for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union! In the European Union we will be together - with the Romanian language and our traditions, with common democratic aspirations, with the desire to live in peace and with the chance to build our well-being". The union can be done in several ways and on various levels.

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