ROMÂNIA-CHINA The BSE: Any country which wants foreign investors should turn to China

Ziarul BURSA #Companii / 9 iulie 2012

China is a trend setter for the world, which is why any country which wants to attract foreign investors should focus on it, the representatives of the Bucharest Stock Exchange consider.

They said: "In Romania, there is potential for the tapping of the Chinese know-how, especially in the infrastructure or energy sectors".

The Romanian Stock market took the first step towards the Chinese investors. On July 2nd, the Central Depository signed a cooperation agreement with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited.

"This is agreement is intended to lay the groundwork for the settlement and depository services, as well as for promoting cross border operations between the two markets", the representatives of the Bucharest Stock Exchange said. "This action will result in the increase of the investment flows between the two countries, as well as expansion of the range of products and services provided by the two operators".

Depozitarul Central is also committed internationally

"Depozitarul Central" (n.r. Central Depository) was the first Central and Eastern European Central Securities Depository which signed the Framework Agreement to join the Eurosystem's TARGET2 Securities pan-European settlement platform, according to Adriana Tanasoiu, Chief Executive Officer of Depozitarul Central.

Adriana Tanasoiu said: "We are proud to have been agreed by the European Central Bank to be part of the first group of Central Securities Depositories which will use TARGET2 Securities from the very beginning.

We are committed to take advantage of the opportunities that the unprecedented changes in the European post-trade environment will bring and we are building a settlement gateway to international world markets for our clients and partners, including Central Securities Depositories located outside Europe. We strongly believe that long-term relationships, based on trust are very important in developing our innovative services, which support the Bucharest Stock Exchange Group's strategy of building Bucharest into a regional financial centre".

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