Colaborare în domeniul cadastrului cu Republica Moldova

Colaborare în domeniul cadastrului cu Republica Moldova

R.S.Miscellanea / 20 septembrie

Agenţia Naţională de Cadastru şi Publicitate Imobiliară (ANCPI) şi Agenţia Geodezie, Cartografie şi Cadastru (AGCC) din Republica Moldova, au încheiat, astăzi, la Chişinău, un Memorandum în domeniul cadastrului, conform unui comunicat transmis...

Australia broke a new temperature record for the winter season with an impressive 41.6C recorded at the Yampi Sound military camp on the country's north-west coast.

Temperature record for the winter period

O.D.English Section / 28 august

Australia broke a new temperature record for the winter season with an impressive 41.6C recorded at the Yampi Sound military camp on the country's north-west coast. This is 0.4°C above the previous record of 41.2°C set in August 2020 at West...

US agency: Warmest July on record

US agency: Warmest July on record

O.D.English Section / 15 august

Confirmation of the weather records set this hot summer is coming from several directions. Last month was the hottest July on record and marked the 14th consecutive monthly temperature record, according to a US agency. 2024 currently has a 77%...

July 2024 was the hottest month on record

July 2024 was the hottest month on record

O.D.English Section / 5 august

Temperature records are no longer uncommon, but they must be marked. July 2024 was the hottest month ever recorded in China since the beginning of meteorological measurements, Chinese state media announced, as the heat wave affects several areas...

Planeta, sub asaltul incendiilor

Planeta, sub asaltul incendiilor

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Internaţional / 31 iulie

Incendiile devastatoare fac ravagii în toate colţurile planetei. Grecia, SUA, Rusia se confruntă cu incendii de mari proporţii. Grecia a înregistrat 54 de incendii de vegetaţie într-un interval de 24 de ore, echipele de intervenţie reuşind să...

The planet, under the onslaught of fires

The planet, under the onslaught of fires

O.D.English Section / 31 iulie

Devastating fires are wreaking havoc in all corners of the planet. Greece, USA, Russia are facing large-scale fires. Greece recorded 54 wildfires in a 24-hour period, with the intervention teams managing to bring 43 of them under control....

Record: Hottest day on record

Record: Hottest day on record

O.D.English Section / 25 iulie

Records are made to fall. In the field of weather records, things change with astonishing rapidity. Sunday, July 21, was the hottest day ever recorded globally, according to preliminary data from the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change...

Scientists confirm long hot summer,

Scientists confirm long hot summer,

O.D.English Section / 16 mai

Meteorologists are rolling out information related to new and new records, and the studies are not encouraging at all. The big problem is that things are expected to get even hotter. Last summer was just the hottest on record, the hottest in...

Copernicus service confirms March records

Copernicus service confirms March records

O.D.English Section / 11 aprilie

Specialists confirm what people can see for themselves: we are having a very warm spring. March 2024 became the 10th month in a row in which record global temperatures were recorded, European Union scientists announced. March 2024 was also warmer...

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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.3086
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9669
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur403.5667

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