CĂUTARE (1321)

Illustration by MAKE

Is Simion's plan possible or is it a mirage?

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 iulie

George Simion, the president of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians and candidate of this party in the presidential elections of November 24, offers houses to all the people. Simion's offer? 35,000 euros for a two-room apartment of 50-52...

Photon source: facebook / Sebastian Burduja

New energy capacities based on natural gas

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 iulie

Our country will in the next five years have new total capacities of 10,000 Megawatts of solar and wind energy production and new modernized gas plants with a total capacity of 3500 Megawatts, Sebastian Burduja, the Minister of Energy, said...

Sursa foto: facebook / UEFA EURO 2024

EURO 2024, victoria normalităţii

Octavian DanZiarul BURSA #Sport / 16 iulie

Spania s-a impus la EURO 2024, după un turneu final în care a evoluat la acelaşi nivel ridicat, fără sincope şi încercări de a păcăli fotbalul. Rodri, un închizător foarte eficient, a fost desemnat jucătorul turneului, aşa că putem vorbi despre o...

Photo source: facebook / UEFA EURO 2024

EURO 2024, the victory of normality

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 16 iulie

Spain prevailed at EURO 2024, after a final tournament in which it performed at the same high level, without syncopation and attempts to cheat football. Rodri, a very effective stopper, was named the player of the tournament, so we can talk about...

Rodri, cel mai bun fotbalist de la CE

Rodri, cel mai bun fotbalist de la CE

O.D.Sport / 15 iulie

Mijlocaşul spaniol Rodri a fost desemnat Jucătorul Campionatului European din Germania de către echipa de observatori tehnici ai UEFA, din care face parte şi Ionuţ Lupescu.

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Curs valutar BNR

22 Oct. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9731
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.5973
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.3086
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9669
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur403.5667

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