Photo source: facebook / Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara

German Fall School: Students Learn About Communism

O.D.English Section / 19 septembrie

The Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT) is hosting, these days, the first edition of the Autumn German School, an educational and cultural event focused on the theme of communism, intended for students from Romania, Serbia and Hungary, who...

Ziua Enescu la Museum of Immersive New Art

Ziua Enescu la Museum of Immersive New Art

F.D.Cultură / 14 august

Cu ocazia aniversării marelui compozitor român George Enescu, de la a cărui naştere se împlinesc anul acesta 143 de ani, ARTEXIM, organizatorul Festivalului şi Concursului Internaţional George Enescu, celebrează ZIUA ENESCU şi anunţă noua serie...

Sursa: acad.rp

The Romanian Academy will have a new headquarters

O.D.English Section / 5 august

The Romanian Academy will have a new headquarters. The Romanian Academy announces the start of construction works for its new headquarters and the rehabilitation of the historic headquarters in Calea Victoriei 125, sector 1, Bucharest, the new...

Photo source: antipa.ro

Exhibition: "The reader - a new endangered species"

O.D.English Section / 25 iulie

Reading has become an activity increasingly avoided by the great mass of people in our country. The benefits of this enterprise are obvious, but nevertheless the number of readers is constantly decreasing. The Antipa Museum offers the public, on...

The Village Museum houses a Medieval Camp

The Village Museum houses a Medieval Camp

O.D.English Section / 16 iulie

Summer vacation is the best opportunity for fun, but it can also provide opportunities for gaining new knowledge. The National Museum of Dimitrie Gusti Village organizes, between August 12-16, a Medieval Camp where the participants will learn to...

UN: People, the main "danger" for the planet

UN: People, the main "danger" for the planet

O.D.English Section / 7 iunie

Greed, bad decisions, wrong experiments have caused immense damage to nature. Humans, guilty of climate warming, represent the same "danger" for our planet as "the meteorite that exterminated the dinosaurs", declared the UN...

Rare fossils, discovered in play

Rare fossils, discovered in play

F.AEnglish Section / 6 iunie

Rare fossils of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex have been excavated in the swamplands of North Dakota - a discovery worthy of attention for the scientific knowledge it could provide about the life and history of this famous dinosaur species and for...

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